File #: 2623    Version: 0 Name: OHRCC
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/13/1997 In control: Finance and Audit Committee
On agenda: Final action: 2/3/1997
Title: AN ORDINANCE repealing sections 285. and 286., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints, and enacting chapter 74, consisting of seventeen new sections, relating to the same subject.
Sponsors: John Patrick Burnett
Attachments: 1. 2623adopted.pdf
IN THE COUNTY LEGISLATURE OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Title AN ORDINANCE repealing sections 285. and 286., Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints, and enacting chapter 74, consisting of seventeen new sections, relating to the same subject. Intro ORDINANCE 2623, January 13, 1997 INTRODUCED BY John Patrick Burnett, County Legislator Body WHEREAS, the Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints (OHRCC) was created by the Constitutional Home Rule Charter of Jackson County; and, WHEREAS, among the many powers granted by the Charter to OHRCC and its commission was the power to receive and investigate complaints of discriminatory acts and practices and complaints of harsh, oppressive, unjust, or unfair acts or omissions; and, WHEREAS, the Charter also granted to the Legislature the power to provide by ordinance for other functions, powers, and duties to be exercised by the OHRCC commission and director; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri , as follows: Section A. Enacting Clause. Section 285. and 286., Jackson County Code, 1984, are hereby repealed and chapter 74, consisting of seventeen new sections, to be known as sections 7400., 7401., 7402., 7403, 7404., 7405., 7406., 7407., 7408., 7409., 7410., 7411., 7412., 7413., 7414., 7415., and 7416., is hereby enacted in lieu thereof, to read as follows: [285. Commission on Human Relations and Citizen Complaints, Notice of Certain Meetings. Notice of all meetings of the Commission on Human Relations and Citizens Complaints, other than regularly scheduled meetings, shall be made at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled beginning of the meeting. The notice shall be made in a manner reasonably calculated to give notice to the public of the meeting. 286. Commission on Human Relations and Citizens Complaints, Compensation. Members of the Commission on Human Relations and Citizens Complaints shall receive a compensation of thirty-five dollars ($35) per meeting but shall not receive more than seven hundred dollar ($700) for each calendar year. 286.1 Request for Reimbursement. Every request for reimbursement shall be accompanied by a verified statement that each meeting for which reimbursement is requested has been held on a public place and in compliance with Section 610.010 et seq. RSMo. 1978, commonly known as the Sunshine Law.] Chapter 74 Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints 7400. Establishment of the Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints. The Constitutional Home Rule Charter of Jackson County, Missouri, was adopted by vote of the citizens of Jackson County on November 3, 1970. The charter became effective on January 1, 1973. The Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints (OHRCC) was created pursuant to article X of the charter. 7400.1 Charter Powers May Not be Limited. OHRCC's functions, powers, and duties as delineated in the charter may not be limited, except by charter amendment authorized by a vote of the citizens of Jackson County. OHRCC may not be abolished or reorganized by the county executive. However, the legislature, by ordinance, and the county executive, by executive order, may expand its duties, functions, and powers. 7401. Title and Definitions of Common Terms. 7401.1 Title. The official title of the office shall be the "Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints." This title shall be used on official correspondence, reports, and publications of the office or the director. The shorter title "Ombudsman" may be used as a proper and popular identification. Reference may be made accurately to "the Ombudsman (director)," the "Ombudsman Office," or the "Ombudsman Commission." 7401.2 Definitions. a. "Act of an Agency" shall mean any action, decision, failure to act, omission, rule, regulation, interpretation, recommendation, policy, practice, or procedure of any agency of the county. b. "Agent" or "Agency" shall mean any officer, employee, department, office, board, commission, council, committee, or other governmental institution of Jackson County. c. "Charter" shall mean the Constitutional Home Rule Charter of Jackson County. d. "Citizen Complaints" shall identify the office specifically as an ombudsman institution. As used herein, an "Ombudsman" is an independent official of county government who receives complaints against county agencies and officials from aggrieved persons, who investigates the complaints and who, if the complaints, are justified, makes recommendations to remedy or resolve the complaints. e. "Commission" shall mean the eight member citizen commission which selects and advises the director, as defined in article X of the charter. f. "Contractor" shall mean any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other entity or a combination of the foregoing which enters into a contract with the county. g. "County" shall mean Jackson County, Missouri, and, specifically, all agents and agencies subject to the Jackson County Home Rule Charter, unless otherwise exempted by law. h. "Director" shall mean the director of OHRCC, as defined in article X, sections 2 and 3 of the charter; the county ombudsman. i. "Discrimination" shall mean any act or practice which discriminates or segregates on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, creed, sex, physical disability where such is not exempted by law, political activity or lack thereof, or union membership or non-membership. j. "Executive" shall mean the Jackson County Executive, who is the chief administrative officer of Jackson County, elected by vote of the citizens of Jackson County. k. "Human Relations" shall include, but not be limited to, issues creating tensions, discrimination, or affecting the quality of interpersonal relations which may exist between individuals or groups of people of diverse circumstances. In the context of the charter, the term connotes the civil rights and civil liberties of individuals and groups and includes relations between citizens in the county as well as between citizens and their government. l. "Legislature" shall mean the Jackson County Legislature, as defined by article II of the charter. m. "Office" shall mean the Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints and may be abbreviated "OHRCC." n. "Person" shall mean any individual or aggregate of individuals, corporation, partnership, or unincorporated association residing or located within the boundaries of Jackson County and/or employed or doing business therein. 7402. Mission of OHRCC. The mission of OHRCC shall be as follows: 7402.1 Secure and Protect Individual Rights. OHRCC shall seek to secure and protect the individual rights of citizens of Jackson County. 7402.2 Reconcile Problems. OHRCC shall seek to reconcile problems, issues and tensions, promote justice, and improve human relations within government between citizens, and between citizens and their government. 7402.3 Improve Government Administration. OHRCC shall seek to improve the quality of government administration in regard to residents of Jackson County and its employees or agents. 7402.4 Assist Legislative Oversight. OHRCC shall assist legislative oversight and propose reform where existing ordinances or resolutions are inadequate or unfair to the citizens of Jackson County. 7403. Commission on Human Relations and Citizen Complaints. Within OHRCC there shall be a citizen commission. 7403.1 Qualifications. The commission shall consist of eight members who shall hold no other county office. The membership of the commission at all times shall be composed of at least one and not more than two residents of each county legislative district. 7403.2 Terms. Commission members shall serve terms of four years. 7403.3 Appointment and Removal. a. Appointment. Commissioners are appointed by the county executive and are not subject to the legislature's power to disapprove executive appointments. OHRCC shall notify the county executive of any vacancy sixty days prior to the expiration of a commissioner's term. b. Vacancy. In the event of a vacancy on the commission due to resignation, ineligibility, or any other reason, the county executive shall appoint a new member to serve out that commissioner's unexpired term. c. Forfeiture. A member of the commission shall forfeit office if the member is absent for more than three consecutive regular meetings of the commission, unless excused by vote of the commission. d. Removal. A commissioner may only be removed from office as provided by law. 7403.4 Chair. The county executive shall annually designate one member of the commission to serve as chair. 7403.5 Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities. The OHRCC commission shall have the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: a. Appoint Director. The commission shall appoint, evaluate, and have the power to remove the director. b. Advise Director. The commission shall advise the director regarding the affairs of the office. c. Hold Monthly Meetings. The commission shall hold monthly meetings. d. Conduct Hearings. The commission may conduct hearings with respect to complaints or other subject matters which the office is authorized to investigate or review, and in the course of any such hearing, the commission may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony under oath, and require production for examination of books, papers, or records. e. Publish Findings. In any matter in which the commission has conducted a hearing, the commission shall publish its findings and recommendations. 7403.6 Compensation. Members of the commission shall be compensated at the rate of $35 per meeting, but shall not receive total compensation of more than $700 in any calendar year. "Meeting" shall be interpreted to include hearings, regular and special meetings of the commission, and meetings of commission committees. Commissioners shall also be entitled to the reimbursement of their expenses actually incurred on commission business subject to approval by vote of the commission and budgetary limitations. 7403.7 Conflict of Interest. Commissioners shall be subject to all state law, charter, and county code provisions regarding conflicts of interest. 7404. Director, Staff, and Budget. 7404.1 Director. a. Appointed by Descriptions. The director shall be appointed by majority vote of the commission. b. Draft Job Descriptions. The director shall draft and submit job descriptions for all positions needed within OHRCC. The director shall, not less than every two years, review these descriptions and make recommendations appropriate for any changes needed. c. Term and Removal. The director shall serve without term and shall not be subject to the county merit system. The director may be removed by majority vote of the commission. d. Duties and Responsibilities. In order to bring about the orderly and efficient implementation of OHRCC's duties and powers, it shall be the responsibility of the director: (1) To select, supervise, evaluate, and remove office personnel; (2) To plan and to oversee the office budget; (3) To manage the administration of office operations, information/communication systems, and record keeping; and (4) To establish and maintain the information and procedures necessary to guide the office in: (a) processing and investigating complaints; (b) conducting technical reviews of county procedures personnel policies, and county contracts to eliminate any discrimination or segregation; (c) selecting, on the basis of determined priorities and available resources, educational activities, initiative projects, and legislative proposals to improve public administration and human relations in the county; and (d) performing the functions of an ombudsman. 7404.2 Staff. a. Director to Appoint Staff. The director shall appoint such staff as are necessary to perform the work of OHRCC, subject to budgetary limitations. b. Staff Subject to Merit System. Staff shall be appointed by the director, but with the exception of the director's secretary, are subject to the county merit system. c. Secretary Exempt from Merit System. The director's secretary shall not be subject to the county merit system and shall serve at the pleasure of the director. d. Duties. Staff members shall have such duties and responsibilities as are assigned by the director, compatible with each member's job description. e. Annual Review. The director shall review annually the performance of all office personnel under the county's merit system. 7404.3 Qualifications. The director and staff shall be persons of recognized good judgment, objectivity, and integrity. To the greatest extent practicable, the director and the staff, considered collectively, shall have specialized knowledge and skills in the areas of administrative law, policy, and practice, interpersonal communications and human relations, civil rights and liberties, investigative methods and reporting, organizational development, intergovernmental relations, and community resources. 7404.4 Compensation. The legislature determines pay scales for employees under the merit system and sets ranges of compensation for those not under the merit system. a. Director. The commission may make recommendations to the legislature for the salary of the director. The commission shall seek to maintain the salary at a level comparable to other positions within county government exercising similar responsibilities. b. Staff. The director shall submit, in connection with the proposal and review of job descriptions for the office, recommended pay schedules for staff positions, comparable to other positions within county government exercising similar responsibilities. c. Increases. The director, in connection with the annual performance reviews of staff or as necessary, shall take appropriate action to recommend compensation increases for office personnel as warranted. 7404.5 Budget. a. Director's Proposed Budget. The director shall annually prepare a proposed budget for the office in accordance with procedures and at such times as may be established by the county executive. b. Present Budget to Commission. The director shall present the proposed budget to the commission prior to submission to the county executive, in order to receive advice on the proposed budget in conjunction with OHRCC's overall program. c. Recommend Additional Appropriations. The director and commission shall make recommendations to the county executive and legislature for any appropriations for additional programs or expenses of the office's operation such times as may be necessary outside the annual budget cycle. 7405. Functions, Powers, and Duties. 7405.1 Director. The director shall have the following functions, powers, and duties: a. Receive and Investigate Complaints, Discrimination. The director shall have the power to receive and investigate complaints of discriminatory acts or practices with respect to employment, public accommodations, and housing, provided the acts or practices complained of violate federal or state law or a provision of the charter or county code. b. Receive and Investigate Complaints, Unfair Actions. The director shall have the power to receive and investigate complaints of harsh, oppressive, unjust, or unfair actions or omissions affecting the complaining party on the part of any county officer, board, commission, or employee in the performance of official duties. c. Review County Personnel Policies. The director shall review county personnel policies and practices and make recommendations to the legislature and appropriate commissions and officers of the county for the improvement of such policies and practices. d. Review Contracts. The director shall review contracts and commitments of the county for the purpose of ensuring that adequate provisions are made to prohibit discriminatory employment practices on the part of those who are parties to such contracts or who benefit from such commitments. e. Encourage Reconciliation of Problems. The director shall encourage the reconciliation, by peaceful means, of problems tending to create tensions between individuals and groups of peoples of diverse circumstances and interests and between citizens and the county government, and promote the improvement of human relations and the protection of civil rights and civil liberties, all through educational programs and recommendation of necessary or appropriate ordinances to the legislature. f. Make Findings and Recommendations. The director shall make findings and recommendations with respect to the subject matter of any investigation or inquiry which the director is authorized by charter or code to undertake, and, in the director's discretion or at the direction of the commission, shall publish such findings and recommendations. 7405.2 Commission. The commission shall have the following functions, powers, and duties. a. Conduct Hearings. The commission may hold hearings with respect to any complaint or other subject matter which the director is authorized to investigate or review. b. Compel Attendance of Witnesses. In connection with any hearing, the commission may subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, administer oaths, and require the production for examination of books and papers, relating to any matter under consideration by the commission. (1) A subpoena issued by the commission shall be enforced as provided by law for the enforcement of subpoenas in civil actions in the circuit courts of Missouri upon the commission's application to the circuit court and the witness' failure to show cause why a subpoena to testify or a subpoena duces tecum should not be enforced. 7405.3 Ombudsman Powers. The commission or the director may exercise the following ombudsman powers. a. Provide Alternative Solution. The commission or director may provide an alternative solution for administrative problems or issues without resort to the courts and formal adversarial proceedings. b. Provide Forum. The commission or director may provide a forum for resolution of tensions, issues, and/or problems affecting county residents, but may not give legal advice, nor be a personal representative, nor negotiate settlements in an adversary proceedings. 7405.4 Discretionary Power to Decline Complaint. a. Grounds for Declination. OHRCC has the discretion to decline a complaint without investigation when: (1) There is presently available another adequate remedy which the complainant could reasonably be expected to utilize; (2) The complaint is primarily related to matters beyond OHRCC's jurisdiction and power; (3) The complaint has been so long delayed that an investigation could produce no adequate remedy; (4) OHRCC has inadequate resources to investigate, or is already preoccupied with other complaints considered priorities for attention; (5) The complaint is so general, unspecific, trivial, or in such bad faith, that a remedy cannot be identified or reasonably obtained; or (6) The complainant is unwilling to cooperate or will not provide information available only to the complainant and necessary to the investigation. 7406. Rights of Complainants. 7406.1 Notice. When OHRCC has made a determination to investigate, OHRCC shall notify the complainant. The complainant will be advised of the procedure OHRCC will follow, and what further information may be provided to the complainant. 7406.2 Information With Declination. When a determination has been made to decline a complaint, OHRCC shall notify the complainant of such decision and, as far as is feasible, provide information regarding other grievance procedures and remedies available to the complainant. 7406.3 Status Report. OHRCC shall, if requested by the complainant, report periodically on the status of the investigation to the complainant. If an investigation has not been completed within sixty days from the receipt of a complaint, OHRCC shall so advise the complainant. 7406.4 Report Of Result. After investigation of a complaint, OHRCC shall inform the complainant of its conclusion or recommendation and, if appropriate, any action taken or to be taken by the agency involved. 7406.5 Sanctions. No citizen or county employee who files a complaint to OHRCC shall be subject to any administrative penalties, sanctions, or restrictions imposed by any county agency, in connection with that person's dealings or employment with any county agency. 7407. Rights of Agencies. 7407.1 Notice. When OHRCC receives a complaint, OHRCC shall give written notice of the complaint to the agency involved within seven (7) days. 7407.2 Reports. After investigation of a complaint, OHRCC shall inform the agency in writing of its conclusion, together with any recommendations based on the findings. 7407.3 Opportunity to Respond to Adverse Finding. Before publishing a report that criticizes or is adverse to an agency, the director shall consult with the head or designated spokesman of that agency and allow the agency a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing to the investigation and conclusions of the report. 7408. Recommendations After Investigation. 7408.1 Procedures. If, after investigation, the director is of the opinion that the investigated agency should consider the matter further, modify or cancel an act or procedure, alter a regulation, practice or ruling, explain more fully the act in question, rectify an omission, or take any other action, the director shall prepare in writing a summary of the findings and proposed recommendations to the agency. The agency shall be requested to inform OHRCC within ten working days of any action taken on the recommendations or to provide, in writing, the agency's reason(s) for not implementing the recommendations. 7408.2 Action If No Compliance. If, after ten days, the agency has not replied or has not implemented the recommendation or has declined to implement in writing, the director shall reevaluate the case and determine if the recommendation should be forwarded to the commission, the county executive, the legislature, or the general public through the news media, or not at all. 7408.3 Action If Practice Complained of is Illegal or Unjust. If the director believes an action complained of is prohibited by law, statute, or code, or that orders have been entered or acts taken results of which are unfair, unjust, or oppressive, and if the director believes that such orders or acts could be revised by legislative action or executive order, the director shall report the situation with recommendations to the legislature or the county executive, and give notice to the agency involved. 7408.4 Action If Practice Complained of Warrants Criminal or Disciplinary Proceedings. If the director believes that any public official, employee, or other person has acted in a manner warranting criminal or disciplinary proceedings, the director shall refer the matter to the appropriate authorities. 7409. Appeals. 7409.1 Appeals to the Commission. Any citizen, county official, or employee who feels aggrieved by the actions of the director or OHRCC, and who is unable or unwilling to conciliate the matter with the director, may appeal such action to the commission within ten (10) days. In this instance, the director shall have the same right as that of an agency to respond. 7409.2 Commission Decisions. Any decision by the commission on an appeal, which is contrary to the original recommendation of the director, shall stand as advice and recommendation to the director and shall be an act of public record of the commission to be included in the director's report. 7409.3 Appeals From the Commission. Any citizen, county official or employee who feels aggrieved by an act of the commission may report such an action to the county executive or the legislature. Any act of the county executive or legislature contrary to the recommendation of the director or the commission shall not reverse or nullify the commission's action, but shall stand as advice to the commission. 7410. Hearings. 7410.1 Purpose. The commission may hold a hearing for the following purposes: a. Receive or Investigate Complaints. To receive or investigate complaints within the commission's jurisdiction; b. Provide Appropriate Forum. To provide an appropriate forum for the gathering of data, testimony, and information advantageous to the preparation of proposals for administrative or legislative change, recommendations, or other reports; c. Hear Appeals. To hear appeals from the actions of the director; and d. Hear Application Requests. To hear applications from persons who desire such a hearing, upon a showing of good cause. 7410.2 Procedures. The commission shall adopt its own procedures consistent with its purposes and powers. 7410.3 Quorum. No hearing of the commission shall be called without a majority of members consenting. No hearing shall be held without five at least members present. The chairman of the commission shall preside or may appoint a hearing officer to conduct the proceedings. 7410.4 Hearings to be Open, Exception. All hearings of the commission may shall be open, unless a closed meeting is authorized by and properly convened pursuant to state law. 7411. Personnel Review. 7411.1 Function. The director shall have the duty and power to review county personnel policies and procedures and to make recommendations to the legislature and to any commission or officer of the county for the improvement of such policies and procedures. 7411.2 Limitations. In reviewing personnel policies and procedures, OHRCC shall recognize existing agencies' defined authority to handle personnel grievances, such as the merit system commission, whose decisions are final and appealable only to circuit court. OHRCC may only investigate and make recommendations on aspects of an employment policy or procedure which do not involve a "significant act" defined by 7520.10 of this code, which are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the merit system commission. 7412. Contract Review to Prohibit Discrimination or Segregation. 7412.1 Function. The director shall review contracts and commitments of the county for the purpose of ensuring that adequate provisions are made to prohibit discriminatory employment practices on the part of those who are parties to such contracts or who benefit from such commitments. This duty shall include, but shall not be limited to the duty: a. Review Contracts. To review all contracts and commitments to insure the inclusion of adequate non-discriminatory provisions; b. Receive Information. To receive from persons and agencies entering or seeking to enter such contracts and commitments with the county, information and documentation to substantiate past, current, or planned employment practices; c. Receive Complaints. To receive and investigate complaints of discrimination concerning any person or agent entering or seeking to enter a contract with the county; d. Monitor Compliance. To monitor compliance with the provisions of county contracts by means of reviewing documentation, making on-site inspections, or other suitable means; and e. Make Reports. To make reports and/or recommendations to the legislature and county executive regarding the employment practices or procedures of county contractors. 7412.2 General Limitations. a. Legislative. It shall be the power and duty of the legislature alone to contract, authorize the making of contracts, and to establish, by ordinance, the limitations and procedures for making and reviewing such contracts. b. County Executive. Nothing in these provisions shall be construed to derogate the power and duty of the county executive to see that all contracts with the county are faithfully performed and to cause to be instituted in the name of the county appropriate actions thereon. 7413. Educational or Training Programs. 7413.1 Director. The director may undertake educational or training programs to improve human relations and other educational activities preliminary to the recommendation of ordinances to the legislature. 7413.2 Commission. The commission may undertake educational or training activities, on its own initiative or on request of the director. Such activities and programs may be conducted by the commission as a whole, by a committee of the commission, or by the commission in cooperation with other government or community agencies, associations, or groups. 7414. Reports. 7414.1 Investigative Reports. The director shall make findings and recommendations and, in the director's discretion or upon the direction of the commission, may publish the same, with respect to the subject matter of any investigation or inquiry which the director is authorized to make by the charter or by code. 7414.2 Monthly Report. The director shall report to the commission monthly, in connection with the commission's monthly meeting, unless a different reporting schedule is requested by the commission. 7414.3 Annual Report. The director shall prepare an annual report to be distributed to the commission, the legislature, the county executive, and the public, concerning OHRCC's activities during the preceding year. This report shall summarize the office's activities and accomplishments for the year. 7414.4 Other Reports. The director may make such additional reports as the director deems appropriate, on topics including, but not limited to: a. Studies. Studies of the patterns or nature of complaints; b. Investigation Findings. The findings of any investigation; c. Hearing Findings. The findings and conclusions of any hearing; and d. Areas of Specialized Review. The county's status or the office's activities in any area of specialized review such as personnel policies and procedures, contracts, civil rights and liberties, ombudsman activities, and other areas of human relations. 7415. Records. 7415.1 Complaints. OHRCC shall maintain a record of complaints by number received, subject matter, respondent agency, and county legislative district of origin. a. Results. To the extent practicable, after investigation, OHRCC shall determine and record whether or not complaints were substantiated, whether or not resolved or conciliated, and, consequently, whether or not the results have been thought satisfactory by the complainants, or whether the complaints were not investigated. b. Remedies. When complaints are substantiated, OHRCC shall determine whether the complaints and their causes were rectified, and, if not, why not. If recommendations have been made, OHRCC shall keep a record of whether such recommendations were followed. 7415.2 Confidentiality. To the extent permitted by state law, the contents of investigative files shall be closed records, unless waived by the complainant. 7415.3 Disposition of Files. The individual case file on a complaint, other than a summary complaint record shall not ordinarily be maintained more than twenty-four months beyond the end of the year in which the complaint was received. Care shall be taken to maintain and dispose of records with safeguards for confidentiality. 7416. Fees and Contracts. 7416.1 Prohibition of Fees. There shall be no fee charged to any complainant for the making or investigation of any complaint. 7416.2 Ability to Contract. OHRCC, but only with the authority of the legislature and the county executive, may contract with other public agencies to provide such services, within Jackson County, as are described in this chapter. 7416.3 Option to Charge. Consistent with Jackson County policy, OHRCC may charge for other services, such as educational and training programs, reproduction and circulation of reports, and the like. Any revenue received from such charges shall be credited to the county's general fund. Attorney Effective Date: This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its signature by the County Executive. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ _________________________________ County Counselor I hereby certify that the attached Ordinance, Ordinance #2623 introduced on January 13, 1997 was duly passed on _________February 3______________,1997 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows: Yeas ______7_________ Nays ______0________ Abstaining ______0_________ Absent ______2_______ This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for her signature. ____________________ _____________________________________ Date Mary Jo Brogoto, Clerk of Legislature I hereby approve the attached Ordinance #2623. _________________ _____________________________________ Date Katheryn J. Shields, County Executive