File #: 18039    Version: 0 Name: computer hardware and software for IT Dept.
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/3/2012 In control: County Legislature
On agenda: 12/3/2012 Final action: 12/3/2012
Title: A RESOLUTION transferring $37,000.00 within the 2012 General Fund, $12,800.00 within the 2012 Park Fund, $37,181.00 within the 2012 Special Road and Bridge Fund, and $82,900.00 within the 2012 Assessment Fund and awarding a three year contract for the furnishing of computer hardware and software for use by the Information Technology Department to Alexander Open Systems of Overland Park, KS, and EMC Global Financial Services of Overland Park, KS, under the terms and conditions of the Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City Contract No. C062512, an existing government contract, at a cost to the County in 2012 not to exceed $169,880.16, and a total three year cost not to exceed $509,640.48.
Sponsors: Scott Burnett
Attachments: 1. 18039adopt.pdf, 2. 18039AGMT.pdf
A RESOLUTION transferring $37,000.00 within the 2012 General Fund, $12,800.00 within the 2012 Park Fund, $37,181.00 within the 2012 Special Road and Bridge Fund, and $82,900.00 within the 2012 Assessment Fund and awarding a three year contract for the furnishing of computer hardware and software for use by the Information Technology Department to Alexander Open Systems of Overland Park, KS, and EMC Global Financial Services of Overland Park, KS, under the terms and conditions of the Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City Contract No. C062512, an existing government contract, at a cost to the County in 2012 not to exceed $169,880.16, and a total three year cost not to exceed $509,640.48.
RESOLUTION NO. 18039, December 3, 2012
INTRODUCED BY Scott Burnett, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the Information Technology Department is in need of updating its hardware and software systems including servers, centralized storage, network switches, data recovery appliance, and software for flexible server provisioning; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends the award of a contract for the purchase of the hardware and software to Alexander Open Systems of Overland Park, KS, under the terms and conditions set forth in the Cooperating School District of Greater Kansas City Contract No. C062512, an existing government contract, at an actual cost to the County in 2012 not to exceed $169,880.16, and a total three year cost not to exceed $509,640.48; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends the award to Alexander Open Systems under the existing government contract due to the higher volume discounts offered to larger entities; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 1030.4, Jackson County Code. 1984. the Director of Finance and Purchasing is required to submit any purchase under an existing government contract which exceeds $25,000.00 to the Legislature for approval; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends the award of a three year contract for the furnishing of interest free financing for this purchase to EMC Global Financial Services, at no additional cost to the County; and,
WHEREAS, a transfer is necessary to place the required funds in the appropriate spending accounts; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the following transfers be and hereby are made:
General Fund
Information Technology
001-1305                        55010 - Regular Salaries            $37,000
001-1305                        56661 - Software Purchase                    $  9,000
001-1305                        58173 - Computer Equipment                    $28,000
Park Fund
Information Technology
003-1305                        55010 - Regular Salaries            $9,000
003-1305                        55040 - FICA                  $1,000
003-1305                        55060 - Insurance Benefits      $2,800
003-1305                        58173 - Computer Equipment                   $12,800
Road & Bridge Fund            
Information Technology
004-1305                        55010 - Regular Salaries            $27,381
004-1305                        55040 - FICA                  $  2,400
004-1305                        55060 - Insurance                  $  7,400
004-1305                        58173 - Computer Equipment                  $37,181
Assessment Fund
Information Technology
045-1305                        55010 - Regular Salaries            $82,900
045-1305                        58173 - Computer Equipment                  $82,900
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that award be made as recommended by the Director of Finance and Purchasing, and that the Director be, and is hereby, authorized to execute for the County any documents necessary to the accomplishment of the award; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and hereby is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the contract, to the extent that sufficient appropriations to the using spending agency are available in the then current Jackson County budget.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date:  This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.
____________________________                ______________________________
Senior Deputy County Counselor                   County Counselor
Certificate of Passage
I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution No. 18039 of December 3, 2012,
was duly passed on December 3, 2012 by the Jackson County Legislature.  The votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas ________9_______                  Nays ______0________
Abstaining ____0_____                  Absent _____0_______
________________________                  ______________________________
Date                                          Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
Fiscal Note
Funds sufficient for this transfer are available for the sources indicated below.
ACCOUNT NUMBER:       001      1305      55010
ACCOUNT TITLE:            General Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Regular Salaries
NOT TO EXCEED:            $37,000.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      003      1305      55010
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Park Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Regular Salaries
NOT TO EXCEED:            $9,000
ACCOUNT NUMBER:       003      1305      55040
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Park Fund
Information Technology
NOT TO EXCEED:            $1,000
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      003      1305      55060
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Park Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Insurance Benefits
NOT TO EXCEED:            $2,800.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      004      1305      55010
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Special Road and Bridge Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Regular Salaries
NOT TO EXCEED:            $27,381.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      004      1305      55040
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Special Road and Bridge Fund
                        Information Technology
NOT TO EXCEED:            $2,400.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      004      1305      55060
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Special Road and Bridge Fund
                        Technology Insurance Fund
                        Information Benefits
NOT TO EXCEED:            $7,400.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      045      1305      55010 ACCOUNT TITLE:      Assessment Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Regular Salaries
NOT TO EXCEED:            $82,900.00
There is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the expenditure is chargeable and there is a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made each sufficient to provide for the obligation herein authorized.
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      001      1305      56661
ACCOUNT TITLE:      General Fund
Information Technology
                        Software Purchase
NOT TO EXCEED:            $9,000.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      001      1305      58173
ACCOUNT TITLE:            General Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Computer Equipment
NOT TO EXCEED:            $28,000.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      003      1305      58173
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Park Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Computer Equipment
NOT TO EXCEED:            $12,800.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      004      1305      58173
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Special Road and Bridge Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Computer Equipment
NOT TO EXCEED:            $37,181.00
ACCOUNT NUMBER:      045      1305      58173
ACCOUNT TITLE:            Assessment Fund
                        Information Technology
                        Computer Equipment
NOT TO EXCEED:            $82,900.00
Funds sufficient for this expenditure are subject to appropriation in the 2013 and future years' annual budgets.
__________________________                  ______________________________
Date                                          Director of Finance and Purchasing