A RESOLUTION transferring $30,800.00 within the 2012 General Fund and awarding a contract on Request for Qualifications No. 55-12 for the furnishing of architectural and engineering services for use by the Public Works Department to Hoefer Wysocki Architects, LLC, for an architectural and engineering facility assessment at a cost to the County not to exceed $28,000.00 and authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute change orders in an amount not to exceed $2,800.00, for a total aggregate cost to the County not to exceed $30,800.00.
RESOLUTION #17895, May 14, 2012
INTRODUCED BY James D. Tindall, County Legislator
WHEREAS, by Request for Qualification (RFQ) No. 55-12, the Director of Finance and Purchasing did solicit the submission of qualifications from firms interested in providing an architectural and engineering facility assessment to the County; and,
WHEREAS, the Director received five responses to the RFQ, which were evaluated by an ad hoc committee consisting of representatives from the Finance and Purchasing Department, the Legislative Auditor's Office, the County Counselor's Office, COMBAT, the County Executive's Office, and the Public Works Department; and,
WHEREAS, after an evaluation of the firms' qualifications, the committee recommends award of a contract for these services to Hoefer Wysocki Architects, LLC, of Leawood, Kansas, as it is the responding firm with the superior qualifications, in an amount not to exceed $28,000.00; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works requests authorization to execute any change orders in an amount not to exceed $2,800.00, as a contingency for any unforeseen problems that may arise during the performance of this contract; and,
WHEREAS, a transfer is necessary to place the necessary funds in the proper spending account; and,
WHEREAS, the County Executive recommends this transfer; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the following transfer be made within the 2012 General Fund:
General Fund
001-5101 58020 - Buildings/Imprvmts $30,800
001-5101 58060 - Other Professional Services $30,800
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a contract be awarded as recommended by the evaluation committee, in a form to be approved by the County Counselor, and the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and herby is authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the County; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Public Works be authorized to execute change orders in an amount not to exceed $2,800.00, as a contingency for the completion of the contract; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and hereby is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the Agreement.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.
____________________________ ______________________________
Chief Deputy County Counselor County Counselor
Certificate of Passage
I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution #17895 of May 14, 2012, was duly passed on May 14, 2012 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas _______8________ Nays _______0_______
Abstaining ___0______ Absent ______1______
________________________ ______________________________
Date Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
Fiscal Note
Funds sufficient for this transfer are available from the source indicated below.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001 5101 58020
Non Departmental
Buildings and Improvement
NOT TO EXCEED: $30,800.00
There is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the expenditure is chargeable and there is a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to provide for the obligation herein authorized.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001 5101 56080
Non Departmental
Other Professional Services
NOT TO EXCEED: $30,800.00
________________________ ___________________________________
Date Director of Finance and Purchasing