File #: 21850    Version: 0 Name: declaring 6 parcels as surplus real property
Type: Resolution Status: 6th. Meeting
File created: 1/3/2025 In control: Finance and Audit Committee
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: A RESOLUTION declaring certain real property as surplus real property and authorizing the Administration to solicit bids for selling the six surplus parcels.
Sponsors: Sean E. Smith
Attachments: 1. 21850 signature., 2. RLA 21850, 3. TMC-Lakewood Parcels.pdf




A RESOLUTION declaring certain real property as surplus real property and authorizing the Administration to solicit bids for selling the six surplus parcels.




RESOLUTION NO. 21850, February 3, 2025


INTRODUCED BY Sean Smith, County Legislator




 WHEREAS, the County owns six parcels of real estate to the south and east of the University Health-Lakewood Campus in Kansas City and Lee’s Summit, Missouri, totaling approximately 99.1 acres in area; and,


WHEREAS, Parcel #1, 51-100-01-03-0-00-000, is the largest parcel at 58.54 acres, with no address assigned, and located directly south of the Lakewood hospital; and,


WHEREAS, Parcel #2, 43-900-03-02-01-1-00-000, is located at 7900 Lee’s Summit Road and is an 18.6-acre parcel due east of Lakewood Hospital campus; and,


WHEREAS, Parcel #3, 43-900-03-02-02-0-00-000, is located at 8071 Lee’s Summit Road and is a 5.22-acre parcel just south of Parcel #2; and,


WHEREAS, Parcel #4, 43-900-03-11-02-0-00-000, is a 12.12-acre parcel, with no address assigned, located due east of Parcel #3 in Lee’s Summit, MO; and,


WHEREAS, Parcel #5, 43-900-03-02-01-2-0-00-000, is located at 8051 Lee’s Summit Road and is a 2.24 acre parcel to the southeast of the University Health campus; and,

WHEREAS, Parcel #6, 43-900-03-04-00-0-00-000, located at 8100 Lee’s Summit Road and is a triangular 2.38 acre parcel due south of Parcel #5; and,


WHEREAS, the Administration can identify no current or future use for the property; and,


WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the Legislature declare this real property surplus to the County’s needs and authorize the Director of Finance and Purchasing to solicit bids to sell the property for the maximum benefit to Jackson County residents, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Jackson County Code; now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the six parcels detailed above be and hereby are declared surplus and that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and hereby is authorized to solicit bids for the selling of the surplus parcels pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 11, Jackson County Code, 1984.



Enacted and Approved

Effective Date: This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.







County Counselor



Certificate of Passage


                     I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution No. 21850 of February 3, 2025 was duly passed on ______________________, 2025 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:



                     Yeas _________________                                          Nays ______________



Abstaining _____________                     Absent ____________




_________________                                                                                    ________________________________

Date                                                                                                                                                   Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature