File #: 19485    Version: 0 Name: Contract for a facility condition assessment for use by the Department of Corrections
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 5/4/2017 In control: Finance and Audit Committee
On agenda: 5/9/2017 Final action: 5/15/2017
Title: A RESOLUTION transferring $224,000.00 within the 2017 General Fund and awarding a contract for a facility condition assessment for use by the Department of Corrections to Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum (HOK), Inc., of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 7-17, at a cost to the County not to exceed $224,000.00.
Sponsors: Scott Burnett
Attachments: 1. 19485bu.pdf, 2. 19485adopt.pdf





A RESOLUTION transferring $224,000.00 within the 2017 General Fund and awarding a contract for a facility condition assessment for use by the Department of Corrections to Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum (HOK), Inc., of Kansas City, MO, under the terms and conditions of Invitation to Bid No. 7-17, at a cost to the County not to exceed $224,000.00.




RESOLUTION NO. 19485, May 9, 2017


INTRODUCED BY Scott Burnett, County Legislator




 WHEREAS, the County has a need for an assessment of Department of Corrections facilities, including building systems, conditions, configurations, and operating efficiencies; and,


WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing has solicited formal written bids on Invitation to Bid No. 7-17 for this assessment; and,


WHEREAS, a total of 144 notifications were distributed and six responses were received, one of which was rejected as non-responsive, with the remaining bids evaluated as follows:

   BIDDER                                                                                                                                                   POINTS


HOK, Inc.                                                                                                                                                   94

Kansas City (Jackson County), MO


Shive Hattery                                                                                                                              90

W. Des Moines, IA


Treanor HL                                                                                                                                                   82

Kansas City (Jackson County), MO


CGL                                                                                                                                                                        69

Fayetteville, GA


AEI                                                                                                                                                                        47

Overland Park, KS






WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing recommends that award be made to HOK, Inc., of Kansas City, MO, as the lowest and best bidder as set forth in the attached recapitulation and analysis; and,


WHEREAS, a transfer is necessary to place the funds required for this purchase in the proper spending account; and,


WHEREAS, the County Executive recommends this transfer; now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the following transfer be made within the 2017 General Fund:

DEPARTMENT/DIVISION                                          CHARACTER DESCRIPTION                        FROM                     TO


General Fund



001-5101                                                                                    58020 - Buildings & Improve                     $224,000

001-5101                                                                                    56790 - Other Contractual                                                         $224,000




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that award be made as recommended by the Director of Finance and Purchasing; and,


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Executive be, and is hereby, authorized to execute the attached Agreement for Consulting Services with HOK, Inc., at a cost to the County not to exceed $224,000.00; and,


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be, and hereby is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the contract.


Enacted and Approved

Effective Date:  This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.





______________________________                                           ______________________________

Chief Deputy County Counselor                                                               County Counselor


Certificate of Passage


                     I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution No. 19485 of May 9, 2017, was duly passed on May 15, 2017 by the Jackson County Legislature.  The votes thereon were as follows:



                                          Yeas _______7__________                      Nays ______0________



                                          Abstaining ______0_______                     Absent ______2______




______________________                                                                 ______________________________

Date                                                                                                                                                   Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature


Fiscal Note

Funds sufficient for this transfer are available from the source indicated below.


ACCOUNT NUMBER:                     001                     5101                     58020

ACCOUNT TITLE:                                          General Fund


                                                                                    Building and Improvements                                          

NOT TO EXCEED:                                          $224,000.00


There is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the expenditure is chargeable and there is a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made each sufficient to provide for the obligation herein authorized.


ACCOUNT NUMBER:                      001                     5101                     56790

ACCOUNT TITLE:                                          General Fund


                                                                                    Other Contractual Services

NOT TO EXCEED:                                          $224,000.00


________________________                                                               ______________________________

Date                                                                                                                                                   Chief Financial Officer