A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Kansas City, Missouri, to provide for the videotaping and cablecasting of the Legislature's meetings at a cost to the County not to exceed $50,400.00 for the year 2004.
RESOLUTION #14857, January 5, 2004
INTRODUCED BY Dennis Waits, County Legislator
WHEREAS, the Legislature is desirous of continuing production services so that the Legislature's meetings can be cablecast to cable television subscribers throughout the County; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Kansas City has staff experienced in television production and is ready and willing to continue to provide these services to the County; and,
WHEREAS, the City will also cablecast the meetings to cable television subscribers within its franchise area, and provide a videotape which can then be made available for cablecasting by other cable television providers in the County; and,
WHEREAS, for the City's services, the County will pay the sum of $1,050.00 per meeting for the period of January 1, 2004, to December 31, 2004, but not to exceed the total cost of $50,400.00; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the City of Kansas City, Missouri, in a form to be approved by the County Counselor; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Manager of the Division of Finance be and hereby is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the Agreement.
Enacted and Approved
Effective Date: This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.
______________________________ ________________________________
Acting County Counselor
Certificate of Passage
I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution #14857 of January 5, 2004 , was duly passed on ___January 12______________, 2004 by the Jackson County Legislature. The votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas _______9__________ Nays ______0________
Abstaining _____0________ Absent _____0_______
______________________ _____________________________________
Date Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature
Fiscal Note
There is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the expenditure is chargeable and there is a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made each sufficient to provide for the obligation herein authorized.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001 1001 6790
County Executive
Other Contractual Services
NOT TO EXCEED: $50,400.00
_______________________ _________________________________
Date Director of the Department of Finance