AN ORDINANCE repealing Ordinance 2549, dated June 17, 1996, authorizing the exemption of the positions of pretrial clerk, pretrial officer, and pretrial unit supervisor, all within the Office of the County Counselor, from the provisions of the Merit System, and amending Schedule V to Chapter 2, Jackson County Code, 1984, relating to the salaries of non-merit employees.
ORDINANCE 2628, January 29, 1997
INTRODUCED BY Victor E. Callahan, County Legislator
WHEREAS, a key feature of the County's plan to reduce crowding in the Jackson County Detention Center, approved by the United States District Court in Hall v. Jackson County Department of Corrections, Case No. 84-1200-CV-W-1, is the implementation of an enhanced pretrial services program; and,
WHEREAS, this program will allow the county to more closely supervise more criminal defendants awaiting trial, defendants who otherwise might have to be confined in the detention center; and,
WHEREAS, it was originally anticipated that the Missouri Division of Probation and Parole would operate this program for the county, which arrangement was approved by the Legislature pursuant to Ordinance 2549, dated June 17, 1996; and,
WHEREAS, it now appears that the County and Division will be unable to formalize a contract for the program, due to certain legal and budgetary restrictions upon the state; and,
WHEREAS, it remains incumbent on the County to move forward with the program to remain in compliance with the federal court order; and,
WHEREAS, the required new positions best fit into the County's organizational structure in the office of the County Counselor, where they will be supervised by the County's Population Control Administrator; and,
WHEREAS, due to the close involvement these positions will have in the judicial process as well as their role in the County's litigation strategy in Hall v. Jackson County Department of Corrections, the County Executive has requested that these three positions be exempt from the provisions of the Merit System; and,
WHEREAS, at its meeting of January 24, 1997, the Merit System Commission considered this request and, pursuant to Article IX, 21 of the Constitutional Home Rule Charter of Jackson County, has recommended these exemptions to the Legislature; and,
WHEREAS, since these positions are new for 1997, it is necessary for the Legislature to establish salary ranges for the positions pursuant to Article II, 16(15) of the Charter and 287. of the County Code; and,
WHEREAS, the personnel director recommends that these positions be assigned similar salary ranges to comparable positions within the Missouri Division of Probation and Parole; and,
WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is in the best interests of the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of Jackson County; now therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED by the County Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that, pursuant to Article IX, 2 of the Charter, the exemption of the positions of pretrial clerk, pretrial officer, and pretrial unit supervisor, all within the Office of the County Counselor, from the provisions of the Merit System, be and hereby is authorized; and,
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Schedule V to Chapter 2, Jackson County Code, 1984, be and hereby is amended as reflected on the attachment; and,
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Ordinance 2549, dated June 17, 1997, be and hereby is repealed.
County Executive Budget Officer $26,000 - 34,000
County Executive Government Liaison $20,000 - 33,000
County Executive Executive Assistant $20,000 - 40,000
County Executive Communications Coordinator $20,000 - 35,000
County Executive Administrative Aide $15,000 - 30,000
County Executive Administrative Assistant $10,000 - 23,000
County Executive Director of the Department
of Public Works $45,000 - 75,000
County Executive Medical Examiner $135,000 - 170,000
County Executive County Counselor $45,000 - 75,000
County Counselor Deputy Counselor $40,000 - 70,000
County Counselor Legal Counsel $25,000 - 60,000
County Counselor Mental Health Claims Examiner $15,000 - 25,000
County Counselor Paralegal/Investigator $15,000 - 32,500
County Counselor Secretary to
the County Counselor $15,000 - 30,000
Office of Human Director of OHRCC $28,000 - 38,000
Relations for
Citizen Complaints
Office of Human Secretary to Director $12,000 - 20,000
Relations for
Citizen Complaints
COMBAT Commission Executive Assistant $25,000 - 40,000
[Missouri Division [Probation and Parole] Pretrial Clerk $[16,764 - 21,804]
of Probation and Parole 17,000 - 22,000
District Administrator]
County Counselor
[Missouri Division [Probation] Pretrial Officer $[20,664 - 27,072]
of Probation and Parole 22,000 - 28,000
District Administrator]
County Counselor
[Missouri Division [Probation and Parole] $[25,020 - 33,180]
of Probation and Parole Pretrial Unit Supervisor
District Administrator] 38,000 - 45,000
County Counselor
Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its signature by the County Executive.
_________________________ ____________________________
County Counselor
I hereby certify that the attached Ordinance, Ordinance #2628 of January 29, 1997 was duly passed on ________February 3___________, 1997 by the Jackson County Legislature. In the votes thereon were as follows:
Yeas ______7________ Nays _______0________
Abstaining ____0______ Absents _____2_______
This Ordinance is hereby transmitted to the County Executive for her signature.
____________________ ________________________________
Date Mary Jo Brogoto, Clerk of Legislature
I hereby approve the attached Ordinance #2628.
_________________ _________________________________
Date Katheryn J. Shields, County Executive