File #: 21876    Version: 0 Name: Regional HH Hazardous Waste Program - MARC
Type: Resolution Status: 2nd. Meeting
File created: 2/14/2025 In control: Finance and Audit Committee
On agenda: 3/6/2025 Final action:
Title: A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Mid-America Regional Council Solid Waste Management District to provide access to the regional household hazardous waste centers for the residents of the unincorporated areas of Jackson County, at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $26,761.00.
Sponsors: Sean E. Smith
Attachments: 1. 21876 Signed, 2. HHW 2025.pdf, 3. RLA, 4. Fiscal Note 25-064 Environmental Health HW Program.pdf




A RESOLUTION authorizing the County Executive to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Mid-America Regional Council Solid Waste Management District to provide access to the regional household hazardous waste centers for the residents of the unincorporated areas of Jackson County, at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $26,761.00.



RESOLUTION NO. 21876, March 6, 2025


INTRODUCED BY Sean E. Smith, County Legislator




 WHEREAS, Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte, and Ray Counties and the City of Kansas City have formed the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Solid Waste Management District (SWMD) pursuant to Missouri statutes; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Kansas City, Missouri, and the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, each operate a permanent household hazardous waste (HHW) facility and have agreed to make these HHW collection facilities available for the citizens of the participating members of the SWMD; and,


WHEREAS, Jackson County has participated in the regional HHW collection program since its inception in 1997; and,


WHEREAS, the regional HHW program allows the residents of unincorporated Jackson County to utilize the Kansas City and Lee’s Summit permanent facilities when disposing of household hazardous waste; now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of Jackson County, Missouri, that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized to execute the attached Intergovernmental Agreement with the MARC SWMD, to participate in the regional household hazardous waste centers, at an actual cost to the County in the amount of $26,761.00; and,


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance and Purchasing be and hereby is authorized to make all payments, including final payment on the Agreement.


Enacted and Approved

Effective Date:  This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage by a majority of the Legislature.







County Counselor


Certificate of Passage


I hereby certify that the attached resolution, Resolution No. 21876 of March 6, 2025, was duly passed on _________________________________, 2025 by the Jackson County Legislature.  The votes thereon were as follows:



Yeas ___________________                                          Nays ___________________



Abstaining _______________                                          Absent __________________





______________________                                                               _________________________________

Date                                                                                                                              Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of Legislature



Fiscal Note

There is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the expenditure is chargeable and there is a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made each sufficient to provide for the obligation herein authorized.


ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                          002                     1524                     56809

ACCOUNT TITLE:                                          Health Fund

Environmental Health

Hazardous Waste

NOT TO EXCEED:                                          $26,761.00




________________________                                                               _________________________________

Date                                                                                                                              Chief Administrative Officer